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How Can We Get Along?

The reason he did't reply was he is dead, he committed suicide over YOU.

    That's me you're sticking your knife into

How Can We Get Along?

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"How can I go out with you

- if you always stand me up?"

"How can I marry you

- if you married someone else?"

"How can I propose

- if I can't get a word in edgeways?"

"How can I be romantic

- if all you want is to F***?"



"I've been doing it since I was fourteen."

"I knew I could lead you by the nose"

"When I've been doing it a lot I get dark rings under my eyes."

"When I'm with my friends you must pet me and fuck me."



"It was a mistake, I was misled

- it'll naver happen again."

"It was only meant to be a date,

- I'm still waiting for *\HER/*"

"I never strayed, I was faithful for a year

- you're accusations are wholly made up."

"You don't understand,

- I can't bring anyone into my black, dead world."



"Y'know what he said? 'I love you'! Ha ha hoo hoo!"

"My husband is away, therefore I have sex with other men in order to be like a normal woman."

"I f***ed Sir Famous Celebrity"

"I'm deliriously happy with R*** Darling and T*** Darling."

"Imagine waking up to the same man every morning."

"Oh no, I don't have to love him do I?"

The answer is there but not easy to see.

Yippee it's free

Who Is In Charge?


Match Maker Magazine

ordered in all innocence, honest


Match Maker Magazine

Meet the girl (wife) next door.

The question is, who's right?

Right about what?


We can have a few prostitutes in a society that at least tries to believe in love, romance and the mythical Happily Ever After of home and family

There can be no courtship, commitment, loyalty or love in a society that triumphantly boasts the Superior Beings must f*** for fun, anytime, anyplace, anyone.


Who Is In Charge?




A = B

B = A


These 'Superior Beings' face prison sentences of what? Ten to seventy years?


Their crimes are significantly more serious than 'mere' statutory rape and include:


>>  Serial rape for pleasure and profit

>>  Infanticide

>>  Violence (battering the 'bastions') against fidelity

>>  Genocide - abortion and causing suicide and murder

>>  Abuse of privilege and power

>>  Betrayal, 'treason'

>>  Perversion of the human spirit

>>  Corruption of the fabric of society

>>  Adultery, wilful, premeditated, ideological

>>  Deliberate destruction of the marriage-love-family based society

>>  The permanent extermination of Mankind.


“A woman must go from bed to bed without considering the consequences.“

Germaine, Germaine, are you insane, what kind of man do you make?

“No more chivalry, we're liberated.“ - J.L.

Joanna, Joanna, you silly banana, as a man, d'you think you'd escape?

“My husband was so controlling, I had to be careful where I hid my lovers.“

- Letizia Battaglia, photo-journalist and politician, paraphrased from her film, "Shooting The Mafia" (2019)



we recognise

The Criminal Justice System

is not

Just Criminal


cruel, vindictive, vengeful and vile

Can We Then

examine error

with dispassionate concern

and with

An enquiring intelligence


CrimJus sends a dark fear into the hearts and minds of all

CrimJus teaches us that it is right to address wrongdoing with an even greater wrongdoing.



Siren’s Isle?

Join The Revolution

“Shut up children, Mummy is busy, she has a lot of men to shoot”



Any truth lurking behind this tirade?

It’s the woman who makes the man.

The letcher makes the pin-up girl.

The prostitute makes the rapist ("jail-bait").

Fear, injury, desperation, loss and a wrong sense of self make the criminal.

One bad apple rots the barrel, a bad coffee bean ruins the entire sack.

The Moralist robs us of our inherent virtue?

Whoever said, "I owe my success and good behaviour to religious condemnation"?

It’s a riddle.

Silence has the answer, in the now-here; there is nowhere else yet we think that there is.

The, "Centre of the Cyclone".

Now-here is robbed by the shadows of fear, guilt, threat and need.

Intoxication, euphoria, 'more', ecstasy, desire, compulsion, ego, delusion, misled.

  We've got to keep our sense o' 'umour  

It’s a wind-up.    


stormy sea

To try and change the world through indignant moral outrage is to be like a seafarer who expects the oceans to fall calm when he shouts at the roaring waves.


  How easy or hard is it to give up an ugly habit?  



The replacement of CrimJus

is to us








For more than

two thousand years.

We pretend to have heard

That CrimJus is wrong

Compassion is right


Are all rapists, wife-beaters, serial killers and adulterers followers of the feminist faith?

Is “Feminism” ideological sexist hatred with violence, rape and genocide?

The Superior Beings demand equality but pretend that their one and only political-religious behavioural doctrine cannot and does not include or apply to the 'Lesser Sex' - a direct contradiction of their very own 'First Principle' of 'equality'.

Any Superior Being who says 'Yes' to the so-called 'Woman's Movement' (BaBoBAbo: Batter Bonk Betray Abort) cannot be reincarnated again because their self-contradiction collapses the soul into nihility.


No human punishment is necessary, we need merely wait and watch as the sewage is washed out and undergoes the natural cleansing of the universe.

Or is that hysterical over-reaction, every one of us is redeemed the instant we make the right decision?

Or could it be that it really doesn't matter either way, the universe doesn't care what we do and that is why the world is and always has been in the hands of crooks and scoundrels?



("Truth has no defenders")




Hen Pecked Husband vs “Male Chauvinsit Pig”


Bracket an electric handle onto his arse and push him around like a machine.


It doesn't have to be this way.


The answer is something completely different.



Knife Rack Man No Joke            

Do you think we don't feel it?

The newspaper proprietress hires an editor who is a woman, she hires a journalist who is a woman, she hires a photographer who is a woman, she photographs a model who is a woman, the naked model appears on Page Three to sell the paper.
Across the globe her picture is used as proof that all men are b*****ds but men had nothing to do with any of it (except perhaps to drive the delivery vans).


I am to blame for the footwear fashions of women in ancient China.

I am to blame for rumours about customs on the sub-continent of India.

I am to blame for making a woman have a baby.

(Why am I bothered? - She said 'No'!)






"Fetch the shopping - Cook the dinner - Set the table - Wash the dishes - Clean the floor - Change the nappy - Baby-sit my b*****ds - attone for the crime of being male."

"My husband must take his place between the vacuum cleaner and the lawnmower."

When a man talks for longer than twenty minutes on the phone, or if more than three or four men gather, the woman feels compelled to intervene.

None of this gripe & groan answers or resolves the fundamental issue.


You see, life is so much easier for the Superior Beings, they know what's going on, they are in control and they usually have all the money. Ah Poor Me, ye just dinnae know how tough it is. Please hand me a hanky to mop up my tears of self pity. (Why does she call her husband "the two year old"?)

Why is it that women appear to believe men conive together in an Aladdin's Cave of limitless wealth and abundance while they languish in the throes of penury and feel obliged to shackle themselves to one of those "Eligible Bachelors" in order to survive?

Could it be that the invisible wealth is not money but the next generation?

The answer is:   enlightenment is silence with joy  (D'you know better than I do?)




Why?         Why?         Why?         Why?         Why?         Why?         Why?

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She or He said "NO" when He or She expected YES

Is that it?

The truth favours him or her depending upon our collective choice?


“When I grow up I want to marry a rich man and if I don't like him I'll divorce him and take all his money.”


Girls know prostitution, boys know war.


(It's back to the Garden Of Eden again, that is where we went wrong.)


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  The fastest game on the planet: Pass The Buck